When I created The Daily Rituals of Prosperous People interview series, it was a direct result of the conversations I was having with my clients about prosperity and how when you start to organize your self-care and start to improve your health, inevitably the conversation turns to prosperity in other spheres of your life: relationships, wealth, business.

I interviewed experts in the fields of financial, spiritual, emotional, physical and business prosperity, to provide you with a wealth of information and useful, practical tools which can fundamentally shift your life to cultivate success and prosperity!

There is a lot of information here, which is why I decided to make these interviews available for you to take home and watch at your own leisure, and as many times as you like!

With this VIP PASS:

You get LIFETIME ACCESS to these 27 Interviews, which you can download or listen to online

PLUS, you get:

  • A 3-video series: One Simple Trick to Boost Your Energy

  • A plant-based recipe book to kick-start your physical (& psychological) health

  • A ONE-ON-ONE Dive into Prosperity Session with Tamsin Astor, PhD

Daily Rituals Series Purchase
Daily Rituals Series Purchase
Access to all 27 interviews from the Daily Rituals of Prosperous People, A 3-video series: 3 Key Ways to Discover Your Purpose & Get Focused; One Simple Trick to Boost Your Energy: A plant-based recipe book to kick-start your physical (& psychological) health; and a 1:1 Dive into Prosperity Session with Tamsin Astor, PhD
Price: $69.00

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