Cindia Carrere - The Energy Stlyist
Cindia Carrere is a certified coach, award-winning author and highly sought after Energy Stylist for Awakened Entrepreneurs. She helps smart women deliberately sculpt their vibrations so they are a match to their desired outcomes.
Cindia believes that money is a spiritual practice and that the key to success is manifesting by design, not default. She specializes in figuring out what is separating women from their wealth and guides them to recalibrate energy for total life abundance.
Famous with her clients for her ability to receive “angel intel,” Cindia’s sharp intuitive gifts help entrepreneurs increase their impact and their income with powerful Energy Makeovers. Cindia’s work is focused on clearing the energetic pathways to prosperity as a bridge to the highest level of success and happiness.
She works with experts in the personal development industry as well as new entrepreneurs, guiding them to clarity on the evolution of their businesses and how to fully integrate their Divine purpose. Cindia’s ability to pinpoint energy barriers with laser precision has proven invaluable to business owners who are ready to bypass their blocks and achieve their highest goals of clarity, purpose and abundance. For a Money Energy Makeover visit www.HealYourGrid.com
Access Cindia's free gift and learn how Clearing Your Energy Grid is the Bridge to the Success and Abundance you Deserve!